It’s that time of the year again, hello there my favorite season! I hope I’m not yet too late for this yearly bandwagon. Past months have been really really crazy! Days have passed by too quick, that we’re already down to the last month of the year, as if it was only yesterday when we’re opening gifts for Christmas 2014. Let’s move the reminiscing part to my year end post, because my title says, “Christmas Wish List 2015”.
I’m sharing you my Christmas Wishlist for this year, with hopes that my Santa friends are reading this post. *tee-hee! I opted to list down the sensible and practical ones, but c’mon, you know I have a long list of personal wants that are not budget-friendly, which my very generous self, won’t buy to myself either! LOL! I’ll be setting those aside until next year though, or until this frugal life ends (wait, do I really think it will end?).
1. Power Bank
I’m in dire need of this. No, this isn’t a want but a need! I want the XiaoMi Power Bank in particular, coz I’m slowly becoming a secret fan of XiaoMi. Seriously, I love my phone and my earphones. And I have to mention that both are XiaoMi Babies. haha! Okay, I’m typing “XiaoMi” for the fourth time now here.
2. Sling Bag
I have no brand in mind for this, just as long as it’s a sling bag, then I’m good. Oh, I like earthly colored bags, by the way. I just have to have something that can carry my basic necessities when running quick errands.
3. Planner
Did I just put here planner? Yes! I’ve never owned a planner before, ever. But one of the goals I have for next year is to be organised in the most I can be. I take down notes on my phone, but because I fancy papers and writings, I’ll go with a planner this time. I like the BDJ Planner because it comes with coupons and it has different sections which I can enjoy utilizing, plus the fact that it has a very nice design.
4. Hoodie
I wear hoodie every time I’m at work, unless if I’m wearing a sweatshirt. I don’t know if it’s just me, but I have this uncomfortable temperature struggle like every single time! I’m assuming that this is the reason why I easily acquire colds. Coz you know, while everyone else wants to set the air conditioner to lower temperature, I’m here freezing so much! So I said it, hoodies are my best buds for times like this.
5. Plain white shoes
Been eyeing to have a new pair of shoes. This time, I want plain white shoes from keds but really, I don’t care so much for the brand as long as it’s white and durable perhaps. I like it coz it seems to be really easy to pair up with clothes.