With all honesty, this is quite a difficult blog post to make, coz as expected, I don’t think I’m still on track (kind of) with the list of goals I created for 2016. I should have posted this last month for Q1, but you see, I have extended this to April, and that’s how long I contemplated whether to publish this one or not. haha! But not publishing it would mean I’m not pushing further, and no, I’ll push my goals as hard as I can. I just hope procrastination is just temporary for this year, though. So, let’s go?
Personal Goals:
1. Focus on being physically strong. As of today, I’ve still managed to go to the gym and utilize my free membership at Gold’s Gym which will end this month, btw. Part of this goal is to join running events which I failed to do. To psych myself up to exercise, I better grab these new pair of running shoes from Asics at ZALORA. Coz it’s a good motivation when you wear comfy and fab attire while working out, agree? On the other hand, I was able to do some physical activities such as mountain climbing and jogging which is quite a good start.
2. Read at least 15 books. Only two books so far. I’m near to failing this goal.
3. Upgrade my wardrobe. I get to spoil myself with new clothes every month which is sometimes a pain in my pocket but I still do just because.
4. Travel more. I was able to go to nearby provinces such as Pampanga, Tagaytay and Laguna. Then I have more travel plans these coming months, so watch out! I’m focused on local destinations rather than travelling abroad coz #ItsMoreFunInThePhilippines. (But no, I’m just broke. haha!)
5. Learn how to do eyebrows makeup. Not yet started.
6. Minimize the use of facebook. Super fail on this. Will try again this quarter.
Financial Goals:
1. Deposit 6 digits in my savings bank. In progress.
2. Apply for a freelance job. I’ve already applied for freelance jobs and still waiting for responses. The truth is, I’m still half-hearted to push this through, but let’s see.
3. Invest more. No additional investments aside from last year’s.
Blog Goals:
1. Change my blog’s theme. Done! I end up buying a premium theme and modifying it a bit. It’s actually the theme you see now.
2. Make friends with other bloggers. I hope I’m doing good on this. haha!
3. Join blogger’s events. I attended one event just recently, it’s about Cathy Valencia’s Makati branch blessing and product preview. I’ll be blogging about it within the week! Then there’s another event coming this week and I’m all excited about it!
4. Update my “about me” page. In progress.