Our second day in Boracay involved helmet diving and a visit to Puka Beach. For a non-swimmer like me, it was a real struggle to see better views of the underwater world by only looking through goggles while wearing a life jacket. No matter how I wanted to do a free dive, I couldn’t cos it’s not advisable if you don’t know how to swim like a pro. So thanks to whoever discovered helmet diving, it helped me experience what was it like down in the sea without worrying about drowning. Yaaaayyy!
Boracay Helmet Diving
We ate quick brunch at around 11:00 AM before heading to our first activity of the day, helmet diving. From the agency booth, we rode a speed boat going to the Helmet Diving Floating Platform. Upon arrival, we were asked to wait until 1:30 PM because the divers who will assist us were still on a lunch break. It wasn’t much of a big deal cos they allowed us to jump in the sea and handed us life rings and goggles. Swimming around kept us entertained as we waited for our turn. From the surface, hundreds of fishes were already visible, what more at the bottom floor?
Finally, we were called for our turn. They took a photo of us prior to the activity and explained to us some hand signals to be used once we reached the bottom of the sea. Obviously, you can barely hear anything from down there except for the sea sound. That was why basic hand signals were provided in case we needed to communicate to one another. They also taught us different ways to recover when experiencing too much pressure in the ears. Try to remember what to do cos the pressure at the bottom is high. But you may always seek help using the emergency hand signal if the pressure is already unbearable.
We lined up one by one as they assisted us to the floor of the sea and I was second in the line. Upon reaching the bottom, the diver asked me several times if I was okay, I responded using the “I’m okay” hand signal taught to us. He stayed there for a long minute ensuring that I was really okay, and yes I was okay! haha! I felt discomfort in my ears due to pressure but I did what they told us to do, I swallow every single time to recover and it never failed me.
There was an abundance of fish at the bottom! They were everywhere! The divers also provided us with pieces of bread so that the fishes will come near to us making it easier to catch picture perfect moments, but guess not. Cos they were so many that they were covering our faces from the photos already. Photos above were some of the decent ones we had. The divers were taking photos and videos as souvenirs too, so no need to worry if you do not have any underwater camera with you. It’s included in the package. We stayed there for a good 15 minutes if you are wondering.
Puka Beach
Next stop, Puka Beach! We heard that food at Puka beach was more overpriced compared to Station 1, 2 and 3. So we dropped to a nearby convenient store and bought snacks so we could have something to eat. But of course, products at the convenient store were already overpriced in itself because again, we were on an island. haha! We rode a tricycle going to Puka Beach and paid Php 300.00 for all the five of us. The sun was at its peak when we arrived and as much as we hated to, we bought 16 oz sprite worth Php 200.00 so we could avail a seat and table with shade. We felt robbed!
The sand wasn’t as powdery compared to Station 1, 2 and 3 but there were fewer people there. So if you are after a quite relaxing trip, then feel free to visit Puka Beach. There were also a lot of souvenir stores in the area, you may check them out as well. We didn’t stay too long cos we needed to catch the Ash Wednesday in the church by 6:00 PM. By the way, it isn’t true that there were no people around us in these photos. Don’t be deceived! It happens when you removed the photobombers in the photos. haha!
Dinner and a Glimpse of Boracay Night Life
We ate at a Filipino-inspired buffet restaurant in Station 3. We were required to remove our footwear upon entering the restaurant following an Asian tradition. It was the first time I experienced such in a restaurant and it wasn’t a biggie to me at all but I’m not sure how foreigners would react to it, though. I love the ambiance of the place. There was also a live song number played with an acoustic guitar, we loved all the songs he played and his voice too. It completed the romantic and relaxing ambiance of the place as if he was serenading the people. Good job, Kuya!
After dinner, we went on a long walk by the seashore and chill to one of the bars there. I only ordered hot coffee, cos coffee is life! After an hour or so, we went to a club and checked out what the fuss about Boracay night life was about. Boracay had full of life at night with all the people around and the loud music here and there! To be honest, we were only checking around, and we didn’t have plans to stay there for long. We went back to our room after an hour. We were all tired and sleepy, but happy of course for another amazing day that concluded.