Because the girl has to start again somewhere

I am supposed to be at the oval now and sweating out. But here I am, typing words to kick off this blog. The thought of going back to blogging bugged me for weeks. Maybe because my heart says yes yes yes but some things says no, no, no, so I had to ponder several more details which obviously prolonged this musing. Fast forward to now, I am officially welcoming you to my blog. Hi everyone!

If you haven’t been to any of my former blogs before, let me share few things about myself and who I am as a blogger. I’m Dianne and I have known the blogosphere since 2008 you-do-the-math, back when blogging isn’t as big and as mainstream as it is today. I have owned numerous blogs since then, and I am considering,,,, and the special ones. If one or two of the blogs I mentioned sounds familiar to you, know that you just made me very happy! I used to blog about everything before, count fashion, shopping, travels, tech, food and almost if not all that you can think of in. These blogs helped me earn money at such a young age

Now, I’m starting off a lifestyle blog under Dianne Wonderland. A lifestyle blog has always been my first choice of niche because of all the things I can share about myself and my alter ego. A lifestyle blog is pretty much everything about the blogger. People inside my circle know the love I have for writing and designing but that does not make me any of an expert (how I wish!). These only serve as outlet that I enjoy doing more than most of the things I do. My choice of career made me lost the inner artsy person in me and the craft I truly love. I may have been away for quite a while but now I’m back and hopefully, for good.

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Author: Dianne

She graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering. A full time IT Specialist based in Singapore who enjoys designing, reading and blogging. She fuels her day with a cup of good coffee in the morning and concludes the night thinking about life.